Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer    Lawrence
She can anchor a franchise, elevate a modest indie, and turn    every head on the street.

Jennifer Lawrence introduced herself to critics and indie audiences when she won an Oscar nomination for her role in the acclaimed 2010 drama Winter’s Bone, but it took the rest of America a little longer to learn her name: That red Calvin Klein dress she wore to the Oscars helped a little, and then getting cast as Katniss Everdeen in the massively popular Hunger Games franchise did the rest. The first movie in the series grossed half a billion worldwide and cemented Lawrence’s ability to anchor both popcorn flicks and art house fare (and to imbue each with her strengths in the other), a dual talent that results in a high overall studio value.

Equally at home with the understated drama of Winter’s Bone as she is inhabiting an electric blue, semi-nude mutant Mystique in X-Men: First Class, she’s got significant audience recognition from winning visits to late-night talk shows and frequent appearances in mass-appeal glossy magazines. She’s also got a great likeability score, thanks to both her sex appeal and her chilled-out custodial duties as the head of the Hunger Games franchise. With a slew of high-profile roles, including sequels to both the X-Men and Hunger Games

Domestic Box Office$73,200,000
Overseas Box Office$104,000,000
Studio Value (1-10)7
Oscars1 nom
Critics' Score (1-100)67
Magazine Covers6
Tabloid Value (1-10)7

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock


A comedy queen with broad         appeal and business savvy.

It feels like Sandra Bullock has turned a corner in her career, even if she’s yet to fully make good on it. The comedy queen surprised in 2009 when she powered The Proposal to a then-career-best $163 million... and trumped that just a few months later when The Blind Side grossed a staggering $255 million and earned her an Oscar for Best Actress. Yes, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close came along last year to give Bullock two back-to-back films nominated for Best Picture — something no one could have foreseen back in her Two Weeks Notice/Miss Congeniality 2 days — but it hardly felt like Bullock cashing in her new capital.

Instead, it feels like 2013 will be the year that she truly tests her newfound mettle: In addition to starring almost single-handedly in Alfonso Cuaron’s innovative sci-fi film Gravity, she’ll be seen in a big ol’ comedy with Melissa McCarthy, this one manned byBridesmaids helmer Paul Feig instead of Bullock’s usual list of anonymous rom-com directors. Will she still have that shine four years after the biggest year of her life? We think audiences will cut her some slack for taking time off to deal with personal matters (including a messy divorce and a newly adopted son), and the general public seems to agree, since they handed Bullock the highest likeability score on this entire list.
It feels like Sandra Bullock has turned a corner in her career, even if she’s yet to fully make good on it. The comedy queen surprised in 2009 when she powered The Proposal to a then-career-best $163 million... and trumped that just a few months later when The Blind Side grossed a staggering $255 million and earned her an Oscar for Best Actress. Yes, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close came along last year to give Bullock two back-to-back films nominated for Best Picture — something no one could have foreseen back in her Two Weeks Notice/Miss Congeniality 2 days — but it hardly felt like Bullock cashing in her new capital.

Instead, it feels like 2013 will be the year that she truly tests her newfound mettle: In addition to starring almost single-handedly in Alfonso Cuaron’s innovative sci-fi film Gravity, she’ll be seen in a big ol’ comedy with Melissa McCarthy, this one manned byBridesmaids helmer Paul Feig instead of Bullock’s usual list of anonymous rom-com directors. Will she still have that shine four years after the biggest year of her life? We think audiences will cut her some slack for taking time off to deal with personal matters (including a messy divorce and a newly adopted son), and the general public seems to agree, since they handed Bullock the highest likeability score on this entire list.
Domestic Box Office$47,900,000
Overseas Box Office$36,300,000
Studio Value (1-10)8
Oscars1 win
Critics' Score (1-100)46
Magazine Covers14
Tabloid Value (1-10)8